To optimise or not to optimise?

What is asset optimisation or facilities management? Is it important? Should we be concerned about it? An asset is defined as something of value that is owned. Optimisation is defined as a process or methodology for making something as functional or effective as possible. So, what we are actually asking is, ‘Should companies have processes for making the valuable things that they own as effective as possible? It almost seems like a rhetorical question.

If companies do not have the tools to automate, streamline, implement and monitor their workflows, i.e. practise effective asset optimisation, they will invariably end up losing thousands or even millions of dollars.

According to CGI ( ), “The current economic and financial constraints can push companies towards a project-by project perspective, resulting in less emphasis being placed on long-term planning and long-term management strategy … A global view is necessary to achieve true optimisation … You need a clear picture to make good decisions.”

Remembering that risk is the impact of uncertainty and that uncertainty is a result of a deficiency of information, bringing these data into a single tool and allowing them to be optimised together improves the overall planning and risk management processes. So, to have a clear picture, you need reliable, real-time data.

According to Johan Pienewald, CEO of Ressource Solutions, “The key to asset optimisation lies in choosing the correct solution for the business. The decision depends on the nature of the business and the assets under management.” Ressource Solutions is a leader in comprehensive, leading-edge asset optimisation solutions and is the official supplier of PetroMan fuel management systems across several industries globally.

“An important aspect of identifying suitable systems and platforms is integration. Cloud-based management systems offer multiple features to run seamless operations, but it is essential that these systems integrate with existing and future systems, as well as offer modular options,” continues Pienewald.

So, yes, companies should have processes for making the valuable things that they own as effective as possible. Clearly, implementing integrated, modular systems that provide reliable, real-time data is the sensible approach to asset optimisation.

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